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Green Mac Purity Co., Ltd.

Bathing for better well-being, herbal extract-contained soaking-bath pou

2009/04/24 | By Steve Chuang | GREEN MAC PURITY CO., LTD.

Since its establishment in 1992 in Taipei County, northern Taiwan, Green Mac Purity Co., Ltd. has been specialized in providing health-oriented bath powder products as a professional supplier of this kind on the island.

Engaged in production of bathing powder and related products designed to assure a better well-being for users, Green Mac skillfully applies its cutting-edge nano-tech technology to extract herbal essentials that can help enhance blood circulation and detoxification via sweating, metabolism, skin cleanliness and sleep quality, quite healthy to people.

The company's mainstream product is bathing powder for foot soaking, which is specially developed in line with theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine that frequent foot washing and acupressure can help to prevent illness. And the powder, with numerous human-friendly herbal substances as main ingredients, can further enhance the benign effects of foot washing.