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Hus Precision Co., Ltd.

Spindle heads, slide seats, standard copying and angle-cutting machine

2009/10/02 | By Ben Shen | HUS PRECISION CO., LTD.

Hus Precision Co., Ltd., founded in 1985, has been dedicated to designing and manufacturing spindle heads and slide seats, and has developed the most comprehensive range of such products in Taiwan.

Hus acknowledges that spindle heads and slide seats are core parts for machinery and are rigorously requested to achieve the highest accuracy during machining and assembling processes. All parts are machined by high-precision machining equipment and assembled on well-planned, integrated assembly lines. Hus assures that all its products can provide the best machining accuracy for customers' machines.

At present, Hus product lines are standard copying and angle-cutting machines, high-precision spindle heads, drilling heads, servo slide seats, tapping heads, and hydraulic slide seats.

Standard copying and angle-cutting machine developed by Hus.
Standard copying and angle-cutting machine developed by Hus.
Hus Precision Co., Ltd.

Tel: 886-4-2491-0009

Fax: 886-4-2492-9597

E-mail: huss.huss@msa.hinet.net

Website: www.huss.huss.com