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Taipei City Sets Maximum Working Hours for Some Special Lines

2011/06/22 | By Philip Liu

Taipei, June 22, 2011 (CENS)--To avoid overwork death, employees at 38 special lines in Taipei City will be classified into three major categories and subject to the maximum monthly working hours of 240, 260, and 288, respectively, announced the Department of Labor, Taipei City Government, yesterday (June 21).

The 38 lines are covered by article 84-1 of Labor Standards Law, with working hours being set according to the agreement between management and labor, due to the special nature of their works.

The new regulation will apply to services taking place in Taipei City, no matter whether the employment bodies are registered in the city. Violators will be punishable with NT$300,000 of fine. The regulation is scheduled to hit the road at the end of July.

The regulation stipulates that employees under the first category featuring high work pressure cannot work over 240 hours over a four-week period, including system R&D engineers, medical personnel at surgery rooms, and security personnel for cash transport vehicles and personal security personnel.

Monthly working hours will be capped at 260 hours for employees in the second category, including chauffeurs of government chiefs, legislators, and ambulances. Monthly working hours cannot exceed 288 hours for employees in the third category, including security guards of companies, security guards of buildings, insurance salesmen, housing brokers, securities workers, and certified public accountants.